Anti-friction coating White Lithium Grease

Cod. 07453
Anti-friction coating White Lithium Grease

Anti-friction coating ( AFC ) White Lithium Grease lubricant antiseizing compound for metal, plastic and metal/plastic coupling.
Anticorrosive, resistant to water wash-off, it does not stain and pour.
Applications: machine transmission, cables and brake's transmission, accelerators, gears, clutches, couplings, drives, hinges, chains, battery terminals, etc.
With grease viscous aspect and white colour, composed by fine particles of PTFE in white lithium grease, it forms a thin and persistent film.
NATO specifications: NSN 9150-131175364.

Code: 07453
Brand: CRC
Category: AFC
Type: AFC with solid lubricants
GB Code UM Description Note
07453225 NR 01 this item cannot be shipped via air carrier
data sheet Anti-friction coating White Lithium Grease

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