Anti-friction coating D 321 R

Cod. 07355
Anti-friction coating D 321 R

Anti-friction coating ( AFC ) Molykote D 321 R for metal/metal combinations for movements from low to medium/fast, oscillating and intermittent, high loads, with high vacuum and extreme temperatures. With features of resistance to ageing, it avoids stick-slip, dries to air. Applications: for cylinder-head bolts, toaster guides, car mirror adjustment mechanisms, for the running-in of highly stressed gear wheels, rotors, high voltage switches steel cold extrusion.
Grey/black colour, composed by solid lubricants, inorganic binder, solvents.

Code: 07355
Brand: DuPont
Category: AFC
Type: AFC with solid lubricants
GB Code UM Description Note
07355222 NR 01 this item cannot be shipped via air carrier
data sheet Anti-friction coating D 321 R

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