Insert KNUX SR-73 6640 for turning

Cod. 18322
Insert KNUX SR-73 6640 for turning

Insert DORMER PRAMET KNUX SR-73 6640 negative without hole for turning Right universal turning geometry characterized by a low cutting force and good stability for finishing and semi-roughing for continuous cut. Insert with rounded cutting edge can also be used with large overhangs and on thin and thin-walled workpieces. Grade CVD 6640 with very high toughness and reliability, ideal choice for machines operating at low to medium cutting speeds and medium to high feed rates. Main application ISO class P20-P40, K25-K40, secondary M20-M35.

Код: 18322
Категория: Токарная обработка
Тип: Токарная обработка
Приложения: кликните сюда
Insert working mode:
Insert shape:
Тип инструмента: Insert-handlers and Inserts
Материал инструмента:
Система блокировки: C
Ориентация: R
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
18322050 NR INSERTS KNUX 160405SR-73 6640 P30, M25 (K35)
Техническая спецификация Insert KNUX SR-73 6640 for turning
Нормы Insert KNUX SR-73 6640 for turning
параметры резки Inserto KNUX SR-73 6640 per tornitura
Код GB Описание
17720 Toolholder CKJNR for external turning

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