Cod. 18090
Insert CNMG-FM T9325 for turning
Insert DORMER PRAMET CNMG-FM T9325 negativee with hole for turning. Positive geometry designed for finishing to semi-roughing of steels and cast irons, potentially superalloys, with continuous or slightly interrupted cuts. First choice insert with rounded cutting edge with bevel. Extremely versatile CVD grade T9325 with high resistance to mechanical damage under adverse cutting conditions and with excellent wear resistance; the correct application of this material requires high cutting speeds. Main application ISO class P15-P35, secondary M15-M25, K20-K35, S10-S20.
Код: 18090
Категория: Токарная обработка
Тип: Токарная обработка
Приложения: кликните сюда
Insert working mode:
Insert shape:
Тип инструмента: Insert-handlers and Inserts
Материал инструмента:
Система блокировки: M+P+D
Ориентация: -