Cloth rags

Cod. 05203
Cloth rags

Cloth rags packaged in package of kg 20:
- code 100 rags composed of shirts and similar 100% cotton, white and light, soft, high absorbent power, does not scratch, does not lose lint and wires
- code 200 rags composed 50% of coloured light shirts 100% cotton, and for the rest 50% of rags with higher weight such as sweatshirt and low velvet; soft good absorbent power
- code 300 rags composed of jeans legs 100% cotton, with regular form, without pokets, big seams and metal parts
- code 400 rags composed of towels and bathrobes pieces 100% cotton, high absorbent power, mixed light colors.

Code: 05203
Brand: GB
Category: Cleaning equipment
Type: Cloth rags and wipes
GB Code UM Description Note
05203100 CZ CLOTH RAGS WHITE T-SHIRTS (pack kg.20) Sale price subject to market changes
05203200 CZ CLOTH RAGS COLOURED EXTRA (pack kg.20) Sale price subject to market changes
05203300 CZ CLOTH RAGS JEANS (CZ kg.20) Sale price subject to market changes
05203400 CZ MIXED RAGS TOWEL SPONGE (pack kg.20) Sale price subject to market changes
data sheet Cloth rags

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