Half-moon electronic scraper HM 10

Cod. 92015
Half-moon electronic scraper HM 10

Electronic scraper BIAX HM10 for half-moon pattern, oil-pockets and for optically pleasing surfaces. With this type of scraper it is possible to perform cuts on the scraped surfaces which ensure that the oil remains in the respective lubrication compartments ensuring continuous lubrication of the sliding surface; the surfaces worked with the HM 10 scraper also offer an excellent optical effect.
Equipment: set of brushes, key for changing tool, tool-case.

Код: 92015
Марка: Biax
Категория: Шаберы и маркировочные устройстви
Тип: Шаберы
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
92015420 NR SCRAPERS HM-10M 230V BIAX code 200040420 **
Техническая спецификация Half-moon electronic scraper HM 10
Код GB Описание
92105 Blade for scraping
92115 Toolholder for scraping plates
92119 Plates for scraping

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