Cod. 17728
Toolholder DTGNR for external turning
Right-hand external insert holder tool DCLNR with D-double bracket locking, with 91° tool cutting edge angle, for TN negative inserts. Suitable for longitudinal turning operations with or without shoulder, conical turning, and chamfering (caulking). Primary use in stable or slightly unstable working conditions for semi-finishing operations on materials of groups P, M, K, S, H; possible use in very unstable working conditions, roughing and finishing operations, and group N materials.
Код: 17728
Категория: Токарная обработка
Тип: Отрезные державки
Приложения: кликните сюда
Insert working mode:
Insert shape:
Тип инструмента: Insert-handlers and Inserts
Материал инструмента:
Система блокировки: D
Ориентация: R