MLT holder for trapezoidal cutting-off blades

Cod. 17092
MLT holder for trapezoidal cutting-off blades

MLT holder for trapezoidal cutting-off blades. Article to exhaustion.

Code: 17092
Category: Turning inserts
Type: Turning tool holders
Applications: click here
Insert working mode:
Insert shape: None
Tool type: Tool-handlers and Tools
Tool Material: Steel
Coating: None
Blockage system: C
Orientation: -
GB Code UM Description Note
17092130 NR HOLDERS MLT-2014-LM13 *
17092170 NR HOLDERS MLT-2518-LM17 *
17092200 NR HOLDERS MLT-3020-LM20 *
17092230 NR HOLDERS MLT-3422-LU23 *
data sheet MLT holder for trapezoidal cutting-off blades
GB Code Description
17453 Blade LMN blade in HSS-Co10%
17500 LMN-200N blade in HSS-Co T2000S
17511 LUN-200N blade in HSS-Co T2000S
17544 LUS-L blade with HM M3 tip
17555 LUT-200L blade in HSS-Co T2000S

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