Anticorrosive lubricant 3-36

Cod. 07820
Anticorrosive lubricant 3-36

Anticorrosive lubricant Anticorrosion 3-36 it expels humidity, deterges, releases, it prevents many forms of corrosion, chemical, intergranulated, galvanic, from fatigue etc. Applications: for metallic surfaces, ground parts, tool machines and various kind of machines. With liquid aspect, with blue-green light colour.
NATO specifications: NSN 6850-00-050-0659, NSN 6850-131166541, NSN 8030-131127638, NSN 8030-131127639, NSN 8030-131127640.

Code: 07820
Brand: CRC
Category: Special products
Type: Anticorrosives
GB Code UM Description Note
07820222 NR 01 this item cannot be shipped via air carrier
07820333 NR LUBRICANT 3-36 cans l.5
data sheet Anticorrosive lubricant 3-36

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