Paint bottle Traffic for stiper trolley

Cod. 74983
Paint bottle Traffic for stiper trolley

Traffic paint can for ground marking of demarcation lines and signs both indoors and outdoors in car parks, depots, warehouses, etc.; resists road traffic, the passage of people, cars, forklifts, bad weather and hydrocarbons; does not contain CFC and lead. With a 500 ml canister it is possible to trace up to 50 linear meters depending on the width of the line and the nature of the soil.

Код: 74983
Марка: GB
Категория: Токарная обработка
Тип: Отрезные державки
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
74983200 NR MARKING-OUT-LINES YELLOW bottles +
74983600 NR MARKING-OUT-LINES RED bottles
Техническая спецификация Paint bottle Traffic for stiper trolley
Код GB Описание
74980 Strper trolley New Perfekt Striper

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